Classic Lily Bouquet by Real Simple®
December 1, 2022
White Christmas Gardenia Plant
December 1, 2022Magnificent Roses® Preserved Red Roses
$185.00 – $335.00
EXCLUSIVE The essence of pure romance. Exclusively designed for Nenas Florist, these genuine red roses are selected for their size and perfection, then carefully preserved and artfully arranged in a decorative container. It’s a gift of luxury meant for someone truly magnificent. Available in one, two or three dozen.
- Your choice of one, two, or three dozen red preserved roses displayed in an elegant, round, hat box-style container; tied with red satin bow
- Roses and hat box arrive inside a decorative gift box with red ribbon
- Hat box for three dozen roses measures: 12″D x 8.5″H (box only, exclusive of roses)
- Hat box for two dozen roses measures: 8.5D” x 5.5″H (box only, exclusive of roses)
- Hat box for one dozen roses measures: 7″D x 5.5″H (box only, exclusive of roses)
centerprice | Magnificent Roses® One Dozen Red, Magnificent Roses® Three Dozen Red, Magnificent Roses® Two Dozen Red |
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