Sweet Spring Lilies for Mother’s Day

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Sweet Spring Lilies for Mother’s Day


Gathering of pink, white, and yellow Asiatic lilies, featuring multiple blooms on each stem
Send more than 25 blooms on 7 stems, or double her gift with over 50 blooms on 14 stems
Lilies arrive budding to provide lasting beauty and enjoyment and will open to full bloom in 3-4 days
Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment.

Original price was: $84.99.Current price is: $64.99.

Celebrate Mom with our sweet spring lilies. Fresh, fragrant blooms in pink, white and yellow are gathered into a delightful bouquet to capture everything you love about her on Mother’s Day. Send a bouquet of over 25 blooms…or a deluxe gathering of over 50 blooms.

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